The New Supply Chain World
At Truwin, we are well versed in the supply chain processes our manufacturers experienced pre-pandemic. Unfortunately, we are also very well versed in what their experience is today as well. This past year has provided us with a new appreciation of customer patience as it pertains to their projects. Delays in materials have plagued all of our vendors no one is immune. On top of material supply issues, our manufacturers are also dealing with unprecedented labor issues exacerbating an already tenuous situation. Communication is the key throughout this process and we have definitely learned who is great at it and who needs improvement. Our commitment to our customers of full transparency is of utmost importance for our business as well as the best representation of our industry standard we can hope to emulate. At Truwin, our customers can expect to be provided with the highest level of customer service every step of the way. Call us today to discuss your upcoming project in detail and let us help you fulfill your wildest dreams for Windows & Doors. Truwin Windows, Doors, & Siding!